Do you think for yourself?
I spend a lot of time in the woods and off and on all season long. I am privileged to see a lot of special things out there. I also talk to a large number of people who like myself have strong opinions about just about everything. You know what they say about opinions! And they usually smell bad too.I wanted to talk about a subject that I see in many people.
Who shapes your view of things? Propaganda or what you see for yourself?
I hear a ton of opinions from a variety of people. Some people hunt others don't, Some read a lot, others don't, Some, hike, fish, camp, etc, others don't. Some like the outdoors others are not inclined. But everyone seems to have an opinion on the Wolves and the Cougars. Are they good or are they cold hearted killers of the wildlife? Are they collectively killing the Deer and Elk populations? Do they balance the ecology system? There are many other questions that could be asked.
I am not here to debate the topic or even to discuss it.
However what I am writing about is this: Who shapes your view of things? You or someone else? IE Propaganda or your own knowledge based on balanced research, study, and first hand experience?
Many out there want you to believe that things are this way or that way. An so they tell it as fact. But is it really? So the question is do you believe what you are told or do you look for yourself? It's easy to hear something and conclude that yes it is Fact! But is it? Where is the proof? Evidence? Is it someones agenda? Are they trying to sell something, or do they want supporters for their view of things? Are you gullible enough to say yea that is true? Or do you use your reasoning to look with your own eyes?
A wise saying says "Believe nothing you hear and only half of what you see". Good advice! Another famous saying “Anyone inexperienced puts faith in every word, but the shrewd one considers his steps.” But these sayings illustrate one thing for sure: It is wise to do your own research into things.
Again I am not going to get into the Wolves/Cougar issue. What I want to do is get people thinking for themselves. Again look with your own eyes. Don't look through someone else's eye's.
I hear all the time people say this or that about the issue and by the comment[s] they make it is obvious to me they are listening to propaganda. I know this because these ones are rarely in the mountains if at all. Though they talk like they are experts. They say they see this and that and present it as fact. I know that they are full of it, they know it as well. I know they are listening to propaganda.
As I have said before I spend a lot of time working and hiking, hunting woodcutting etc. in the woods. Some of the things I hear from these people are sensational to say the least. I ask them how much time they spend in the woods? Most answer just a few days to a couple of weeks. They claim to have seen things I have never seen. Maybe they have. Some people have an uncanny way of always being in the right place at the right time. Every time.
But I notice that most people do not think for themselves.They hear something on the news, paper, or some prominent person[s]. Then they repeat it as fact. Remember one thing: most news reports have a slant in one way or another. They are paid to say what someone wants them to say. Usually to justify their agenda or action.
I am not writing this to offend anyone. I want people to do there own research. Find out for yourself the "real" facts. Yes educate yourself. Learn by observing, reading and when you are out in the woods pay attention to what is going on. One caution: Be careful what you read. Make sure it is non bias. Someone who presents a balanced view of things, not an opinionated view of things.
The bottom line? There are many opinions out there about the Wolves and Cougars. There are extreme views both pro and con. The actual truth is probably somewhere in between. So make your own conclusion based on non biased fact and what you observe yourself. Don't let someone else do your thinking! And most of all enjoy the mountains and the animal's while they are still here. Don't take for granted they will always be there. Someday they may become extinct!