Monday, February 25, 2013

Could you Survive?

In today's world of reality shows there are many different kinds out there. Storage unit, booze making, fishing, gold, bartering and the list goes on. It is to some extent entertaining, but how much is really real? How much is staged? We will probably never really know. But is it really important? It's entertainment.

One kind of reality show out there many of us like, is the survivor ones. There is Survivorman, Dual Survivor,          Man vs Wild, and for a short while there was a husband and wife show. These shows glorify the art of survival. They are practical how to sort of shows. They teach us to think and use ingenuity.

The real question is if you were on an adventure and the worst case scenario happened. Could you survive? If you had to start a fire, gather food [ie bugs, grubs, and even worms] could you do it?If you were hungry enough I suppose we might eat just about anything.

But a couple of things you need to note. First of all, what the shows don't tell you is this: Don't leave the house on a adventure without being properly prepared. These people in the shows have the proper clothing for the environment they are going into. They may not have matches or food, but they are otherwise prepared. This may be the most critical part of a survival scenario.

Think about it this way,  if it is in the thirty degree temperature range and it is wet out, and you don't have the right clothing, how are you going to survive a night out? What about two nights?

So go out prepared. Take the right kind of clothing. I know you cant take the kitchen sink, and that isn't the point. Ask your self if you would rather leave the rain gear home to save weight, or take it just in case? Sometimes we over stuff our packs with more then we need. However if we needed it to survive we would be glad we took it.

Give it thought and be creative in what you take. Just don't take for granted that the weather "will" be good. Sometime the unexpected happens. And it's not just the weather. A fall could result in a injury that could leave you unable to walk.

The second point is could you start a fire if you had to? You may say of course I carry matches. That's a good idea. But what if they got wet, or they were old and wouldn't work? The reality shows show many good ways to start a fire in a bad situation. But with our above scenario, could you start a fire when you are cold, wet, and all the fire starting materials are wet, or damp?

Here's a word to the wise. Don't think you can start a fire with a fire bow, rubbing sticks together, or even using a fire piston. The survivor shows all make it look so easy. Believe me it isn't. It takes a lot, and I mean A LOT of practice. You will fail many times and maybe even never be able to start one that way. So haw can you have a backup plan?

Well first of all always carry fresh matches. No Brainer. But Since it is so hard to start a fire rubbing sticks together you need a fool proof way to start a fire that doesn't weigh you down. Here is the solution: Take a cotton ball. In fact make three or four of them. Soak them in WD-40. Put them in a small leak proof container. Also carry a flint striker, or something to create a spark. When you light this soaked cotton ball it instantly burns and, burns like a candle for a while.

It is effortless and could make a difference of life or death.It doesn't take up any space, nor does it weigh anything. You can see how easy it is in this video:  The cotton ball is toward the end of the video.

The bottom line? Be prepared before you go. Disaster often starts before you leave the home. And don't think this wont happen to me. It happens to the best of us. Those who survive are the ones who are prepared.

So enjoy the reality shows for what they are. Entertainment. And if you want to start a fire the way they do go for it. But don't wait to be in an emergency situation before you try it. Practice it until you master it.If you cannot do it as many of us can't, then find a fool proof way to start a fire in any situation you may find yourself in. Find what works for you and take it with you.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Treasure Hunters Idea's

Today I am doing some preliminary editing on the reality show. As you know we are going to be filming early this spring. If all goes according to plan we will have enough film to finish the first show.

For those of you who have seen the trailer, you have a good idea of what we are trying to do. However that's just part of what will be in the show. We will also have some historical information of the area we are hunting. We will also have some metal detecting etiquette pointers, good for new ones to the sport as well as long time detectorist. I want it to be interesting and informative.

The one thing I don't want to have is the bickering, swearing, and staged drama. This is an out of the box reality show. It is real. I want you to see it as it really happens. Not staged but spontaneous. No script. Just us in the natural environment. There's enough drama in the, "what are we about to find".

The history is sometimes the most fun part, and I want to share it with the audience. But I also wanted to ask you what would like to see that would make it entertaining? We want your idea's and comment's. Please let us know what you think!

For those of you who haven't seen the trailer here is a link to it:

And Thank you for the idea's. Also we would appreciate it if you would forward this to others who might be interested. Again thanks!


Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Fire Engine Update

As so many of you know I have been trying to raise money to build a wild land engine. Those of you who supported me in this endeavor, I want to thank you very much.

I decided to do this in part, because I wanted to be closer to home. I want to spend a bigger part in the community service that I am involved in. I also wanted to be free for other endeavors.

That being said, one of the other endeavors is the reality show. I need to have time during the summer for filming. Being close to home I will be able to take better care of responsibilities at home, and still have time for the reality show.

I do want your opinion though. We have one HD camera and a GoPro camera. I would like to have multiple camera angles. In order to do so we [our team] would need another camera. And we would like another GoPro. It is also important to have a new editing program. But as usual we are short of the money to do purchase these items.

What I would like is to ask you: What do you think about our team using  the Kickstarter service to try to raise the money for these item's? If you are not familiar with this program, basically it is a project funding program. People who like and want to support the project can donate to it. The peoples donating it what makes the project a success. But those who donate don't just give free money. They would get something in return.

What I would give in return would be a out takes DVD, a signed photo of the stars of the show, a copy of the first show on DVD, and even  someone could be in the show. Things like these are what ones who donate would receive. If you had other idea's in addition to these, that would be good.

I will be honest I have mixed feeling's about asking for help, especially when it comes to money. That is why I want your feedback. But if we do this I won't waste the money that I might raise. It would go to the reality project. I would also use it for filming a animal documentary. This has been on my to do list for some time.

For a look at what we are going to do you can look here:

As many of you know we have been working on this for some time. While it has been a challenge to complete, we are looking forward to moving forward and completing this first episode.

Thanks for the input and support!

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Treasure Hunters... "The Desert"

Just an update for those of you who are following along. We have been doing a lot of research for our show. We are now working on a game plan. We are really excited to start filming. We have good reason to think we will have good results due to our hard work. We expect to find some good pieces of history.

We are planning a trip to several sites to begin filming in April. And of course it will be in the desert. I will keep you up to speed as we continue our project. When we are on site I will upload daily updates to the blog for you to follow along.

In case you haven't seen the trailer you can click here to see a small part of what we are doing:

Stay tuned.....

Friday, February 1, 2013

Bigfoot Encounter Part 2

The Bigfoot debate will probably go on forever, but the reports of sightings will continue. True, False, Real, or Fake, it will go on until someone comes up with some "real" physical proof. Personally I doubt it will ever happen. I believe it could but I think the creature is just to elusive and shy.

As Promised here is my sighting:

It was in the early 80's and my family and a bunch of friends were taken into Paulina Lake. Some skied into the lake others rode snowmobiles. Others rode a snow cat with all of the gear. We all  went up to the lake to have a cross country ski trip. It was great there was so many places to go play.

We skied up to Paulina Peak one day. It was a great view up there.You could see Mount Shasta from up there.Of course you could see all of the Cascades as well.

One morning we all decided to ski out to a place called Hell Hole. It was a big cinder pit, or crater. Not every one was ready so we all went up at different times. Most of the friends were ahead of us. Along with myself, my mom and her friend left the cabins. I remember the road was very long. We were well along the way down the road,and we were often looking back behind us to see if my dad was catching up with us. He was bringing up the rear.

Once again we all stopped and looked behind us to see if dad was coming. He wasn't, however as we were looking out of the tree's came Bigfoot. He crossed the road behind us, looked at us as he crossed and then disappeared back into the tree's on the other side. We all looked at one another in amazement.

Soon after my mom's friends husband came up on his snowmobile and we told him what we saw. He went back to look for tracks but couldn't find any. So we skied on to the "hell hole" playground.When we got there we told everyone who was still there what we saw.

Later that evening we were all having dinner and on of the friend's wife came in late. I remember she was panicky. You will see why in a minute. What had happened is after we made it to Hell Hole one of the friend's wife, the same panicky one, wasn't feeling well and went back to the cabins. So she never heard what we saw.

She came in to dinner freaked out and this is what she told us: When she left Hell Hole she decided to go through the tree's back to the cabins. Part of the way back she heard someone breathing and foot steps following her. She looked back and nothing. She kept going and the same thing. So she made a backtrack circle and again nothing. But she continued to hear the same thing. By now she is freaking out because it was starting to get dark.

It seems like she was late to dinner and we were all worried about her.We had all came back and had made it back before she did. After she told us what she heard we told her what we saw, and as you can imagine she was scared.

Was it Bigfoot that she heard? We will never know, but he ran to the same side of the road that she skied back to the cabins on.

This was an experience I will never forget. My mom remembers it as well. One bummer is my mom's friend, later would not admit that she saw anything. I don't know why. Maybe she was afraid of ridicule or something else.

So as far as I am concerned I know Bigfoot is real. But there are many questions yet to be answered. Maybe someday I will do a backpacking expedition to try to find the big guy. But the mystery will go on and maybe some day we will know for sure. Then again maybe we will never know the truth.......