Saturday, July 29, 2017

The wind down

After the burn and the mop up comes the back haul. And the aftermath. 

narrow road.

There was miles of hose spread out that needed to be picked up and hauled back to camp to be rehabbed and then put back into the fire cache.

Our job, along with a few other fire crews was to roll up the hose and haul it back to camp. So we took a number of miles worth of hose back to the supply cache at camp.


Ready for the back haul

Truck #2 loaded and ready
As this fire and the fire season winds down there still is good things and a little history to come. A creepy experience, a bear, and a Indian Pow Wow.

Stay tuned I will try to post more in the coming days. That could  change as we wait for the 2017 fire season to begin. If it does though I will post that here.

Tuesday, July 11, 2017


As the fire slowed down we had a chance to do a bit of sight seeing. Near the fire was an abandoned Uranium mine. Below are the pictures of some of what we saw.

Storage warehouse in background


Inside the warehouse
We teased each other that we had a twitch and a glow. But it was safe. There were other nearby mines we could see in the distance.

This is one of the cool perks about fighting fire. We do get to see a lot of neat things. We see historical things. And another cool thing we were able to do on this fire was go to an Indian pow wow. I will have a post later on it.

Thursday, July 6, 2017

Interesting Sight's

Just a short post this time. Below is a few cool, interesting thing we saw on this fire while we were there.

Pirate Ship

Aggressive Tread

The sky is falling

On my next post have we gone Nuclear. The glow about us isn't just that we are happy. Stay tuned to find out.

Sunday, July 2, 2017

Burn Support

One of our assignments we occasionally get is to support a burn operation. On this day this what we did. The pictures below are some of what we saw that day
Where there is smoke there is fire


You can see the fire bumping the road. Our job is to let it burn but keep it away from the the other side of the road.

After the burn is complete it is time to mop up and put it out.  This can be a lot of work. When there is duff the fire likes to hide. You think you knock it out and then later on patrol you see smoke and sometimes open flame. So back to work we go. It sometimes takes many days of patrol and mop up to get it all out.

Other times it is good to just let it go out by itself.

The evening cool off. Smoke laying like fog

I will have more to come in the coming days. Things are slowing down.....sort of. I should be able to post more often then I have lately. If we get a dispatch I will post it as I have in the past.