That is a good question. Or maybe the question should be do YOU believe Bigfoot is real? It has been one of the most debated mysteries over the last century or so. The Indians talked about the creature even had hieroglyphics of him. They may have called him Sasquatch. But that doesn't seem to prove the creature is real.
How about the reality shows and documentaries about him? The documentaries seem to show one sides opinion verses another's. Once in a while you will have a non bias show you can form your own opinion from. They sometimes have sensational stories of attacks and so on.
That's where the reality shows come in. The BFRO has their show "Finding Bigfoot". Interesting show. It seems to me the videos that they show of Bigfoot caught on tape are nothing but a hoax. They are non conclusive. With today's technology can't anyone get a High Definition picture of the big fella? What they show is always unclear and fuzzy. Coincidence? Maybe, maybe not? What get me is these guys claim that they know this is classic "Bigfoot Signs". Really? Really? Based on what? If it is true why haven't other scientists made the same claims? As for the claims of attacks by Bigfoot. They are pretty sensational. Being chased, rocks thrown at, and physical attacks. I'm sorry I just don't think those are all true [If any}. I guess I'm not sure what to believe same as you.
What about our own Imagination? We have an amazing ability to dream up some pretty good stories. Particularly when we are out in the dark woods and we hear things we cant explain. We see and hear all kinds of things and then the mind starts to run wild. We see unusual things out there. I was in the woods hiking with friends a couple of weeks ago and saw a bear. Well it looked just like one. We all thought it was a bear. That is until we walked up to it. It was a stump at the top of a hill. Our imagination can help us to have great stories to tell. In fact just look at the movies out there. We are often entertained buy someones imagination who put it on film for us.
So what is the truth? We may really never know the truth. They say until we have a body of one we won't know if it is real or not. Well they may be right. However that seems unlikely. It would confirm the existence though.
Maybe you have seen one or maybe you just don't believe it. Whatever side you are on it's all good. I ask one thing have you seen a cougar in the wild? How do you know they exist? Okay so you have seen film or photos. Are they a hoax? Of course not you say. So why would Bigfoot have to be a hoax? Maybe he is real. Again many people every year see the big fella. What is your conclusion? Have you had an encounter? I would like to hear your experience. Do you believe it or not? Tell me what you think.
I do believe it is true, in fact I have seen one and maybe have heard one. Many years ago we were skiing at Paulina Lake. We were skiing out to a place called "Hell Hole" to meet up with the rest of our group. We were on a long straight road. We were looking back for my dad he was supposed to catch up with us. We all looked back in time to see Bigfoot run across the road behind us. There was three of us who all saw him. Later when we met back with the rest of the group on of our friends wanted to go back early. She did. She cut through the woods. When we all got back she told us she was being followed by something. She heard breathing and footsteps. She backtracked a bit and saw nothing. At this point she hadn't heard our experience yet. So she was frightened and hurried back. We were all unnerved when we herd what she had been through.
My second encounter was last summer up on the Grande Ronde River. During the middle of the week we were sitting up by the fire. So I tried to mimic one of the BFRO Bigfoot calls. I thought what the heck. I made the call and we sat in silence when we heard a tree knock. We both looked at each other and " did you hear that"? Then we decided it was time to go to bed. It couldn't have been a person it was to far up the canyon. We were the last camp at the end of the road. Was it him? We will never know. But it makes for a good story.
So the question still remains: Is Bigfoot real or not? Whatever you believe the story will always be intriguing to out sense of adventure. But will someone please get some HD footage of the big fella? So when you are out in the woods this year keep your eyes open you never know what you might see. Maybe the big fella himself.