Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Morel Mushroom Research Project

Blonde Morel  

This Spring I will start a 5 -10 year study on Morels. Many have questions as I do. Questions such as why do they grow in disturbed areas?  Does it make a difference what time of the year {spring, summer, fall} the ground is disturbed?  How does the weather affect the spawn of the mushrooms? As well as other questions.
 I will be documenting my research in full detail along with pictures. If you have other questions please leave them on the blog and I will write them down in my journal and add them to the research project. At the end of this I plan to publish my findings for people like me who want to know more about these mushrooms.


  1. Yeah, I have a question :-) But first off - I think it's neat that you are going to study them! What temperature range do they like to flush at? I've heard a lot of varying info on that... Way to go Travis!
