Saturday, March 31, 2012

A few more pictures.

Mt. Harris Bullseye

I tried to shoo him away but he wouldn't go, so I took his picture.

Miners Creek

Friday, March 30, 2012

Misc. Photos

Eagle Cap wilderness 

Eagle Cap

View from Huckleberry Mt.

Spring Flower

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Wildfire Season

Are you ready for fire season? Well I am. We finished the preseason stuff. The refresher is done. We had a great Instructor [Jaime Davila of Philomath] I passed the pack test. My best yet. Just over 40 minutes. [In case you are wondering what that is, it is a walk, not a run, but 45 lbs on our backs to do 3 miles in 45 minute's or less.] So we are ready to go for the season.

So I am going to to have a 'New Feature" on the blog this year. If we get called to an incident I will have full coverage as far as me and my crew's prospective is concerned. I will have daily updates on the happenings of the incident. You will have the inside scoop of what happens on a wildfire. The emotions we all go through, irritations, good day ,bad day, fun day, ect. Of course this is all contingent on my having cell service. Most of the time we do but once in a while we are sent out to a coyote camp and have no service at all. In that case I will update as I can. I will try to have live updates with pictures.

Keep checking back with this blog and I will have reminders as we get closer to the fire season. I will update when we are on call, when dispatched, and where we are going. I hope you will follow and I know you will enjoy having an inside look.

For a preview of what we will be seeing this season check this out:

If you know someone who will enjoy following this blog please tell them about it so they can follow as well.........Until fire season............I hope to see you there.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Is Bigfoot Real Or Not?

 That is a good question. Or maybe the question should be do YOU believe Bigfoot is real? It has been one of the most debated mysteries over the last century or so. The Indians talked about the creature even had hieroglyphics of him. They may have called him Sasquatch. But that doesn't seem to prove the creature is real.

 How about the reality shows and documentaries about him? The documentaries seem to show one sides opinion verses another's. Once in a while you will have a non bias show you can form your own opinion from. They sometimes have sensational stories of attacks and so on.

 That's where the reality shows come in. The BFRO has their show "Finding Bigfoot". Interesting show. It seems to me the videos that they show of Bigfoot caught on tape are nothing but a hoax. They are non conclusive. With today's technology can't anyone get a High Definition picture of the big fella? What they show is always unclear and  fuzzy. Coincidence? Maybe, maybe not? What get me is these guys claim that they know this is classic "Bigfoot Signs". Really? Really? Based on what? If it is true why haven't other scientists made the same claims? As for the claims of attacks by Bigfoot. They are pretty sensational. Being chased, rocks thrown at, and physical attacks. I'm sorry I just don't think those are all true [If any}. I guess I'm not sure what to believe same as you.

What about our own Imagination? We have an amazing ability to dream up some pretty good stories. Particularly when we are out in the dark woods and we hear things we cant explain. We see and hear all kinds of things and then the mind starts to run wild. We see unusual things out there. I was in the woods hiking with friends a couple of weeks ago and saw a bear. Well it looked just like one. We all thought it was a bear. That is until we walked up to it. It was a stump at the top of a hill. Our imagination can help us to have great stories to tell. In fact just look at the movies out there. We are often entertained buy someones imagination who put it on film for us.

 So what is the truth? We may really never know the truth. They say until we have a body of one we won't know if it is real or not. Well they may be right. However that seems unlikely. It would confirm the existence though.

 Maybe you have seen one or maybe you just don't believe it. Whatever side you are on it's all good. I ask one thing have you seen a cougar in the wild? How do you know they exist? Okay so you have seen film or photos. Are they a hoax? Of course not you say. So why would Bigfoot have to be a hoax? Maybe he is real. Again many people every year see the big fella. What is your conclusion? Have you had an encounter? I would like to hear your experience. Do you believe it or not? Tell me what you think.

 I do believe it is true, in fact I have seen one and maybe have heard one. Many years ago we were skiing at Paulina Lake. We were skiing out to a place called "Hell Hole" to meet up with the rest of our group. We were on a long straight road. We were looking back for my dad he was supposed to catch up with us. We all looked back in time to see Bigfoot run across the road behind us. There was three of us who all saw him. Later when we met back with the rest of the group on of our friends wanted to go back early. She did. She cut through the woods. When we all got back she told us she was being followed by something. She heard breathing and footsteps. She backtracked a bit and saw nothing. At this point she hadn't heard our experience yet. So she was frightened and hurried back. We were all unnerved when we herd what she had been through.

 My second encounter was last summer up on the Grande Ronde River. During the middle of the week we were sitting up by the fire. So I tried to mimic one of the BFRO Bigfoot calls. I thought what the heck. I made the call and we sat in silence when we heard a tree knock. We both looked at each other and " did you hear that"? Then we decided it was time to go to bed. It couldn't have been a person it was to far up the canyon. We were the last camp at the end of the road. Was it him? We will never know. But it makes for a good story.

 So the question still remains: Is Bigfoot real or not? Whatever you believe the story will always be intriguing to out sense of adventure. But will someone please get some HD footage of the big fella? So when you are out in the woods this year keep your eyes open you never know what you might see. Maybe the big fella himself.

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Spring things

Looking forward to getting into the outdoors? Oh yea! Everyone is.
 Here's a few of the things that this blog will be doing this spring. Likely mid May.
The mushroom project will be on. {See} I will post what experiments I will be testing,and show you the results ect. I will also include pictures. I have many experiment's to do so there will be a variety. I will use some of your ideas as well. That being said if you have any questions about the shrooms you would like to have answered please submit those to this blog and I will put it into my book of things to do. I will post the results of these as well.

 Also I will Bring back the "Who's Tracks" Feature. I will have pictures of the tracks and the critter who made them{I hope}.Sometimes the critters are hard to find. I think they are camera shy.

 Also I will have a "How to track" feature as well some time this spring.
It will be a busy spring but hopefully a successful one. Good things to happen soon.Stay tuned.........

Friday, March 16, 2012

Cabin Fever Anyone?

Do you have cabin fever? Can't get out because of the rain,or snow? They now know what we've all known for years. That is having cabin fever is really real. Here is what Web Md has to say about this:

Seasonal Affective Disorder

Seasonal depression, called seasonal affective disorder (SAD), is a depression that occurs each year at the same time, usually starting in fall or winter and ending in spring or early summer. It is more than just "the winter blues" or "cabin fever." A rare form of SAD known as "summer depression," begins in late spring or early summer and ends in fall.
What Are the Symptoms of Seasonal Affective Disorder?

People who suffer from SAD have many of the common signs of depression: Sadness, irritability, loss of interest in their usual activities, withdrawal from social activities, and inability to concentrate. But symptoms of winter SAD may differ from symptoms of summer SAD.
Symptoms of winter SAD may include the seasonal occurrence of:
Increased need for sleep
Decreased levels of energy
Weight gain
Increase in appetite
Difficulty concentrating
Increased desire to be alone

So what can you do to cure it. It seems like there is not much. However if you live in a larger city you could walk around a mall. {Husbands beware} But what if you can't get out? Here is a nice idea. Buy a happy puzzle. Maybe a outdoor puzzle, or a place you would like to see. As you build it see yourself there.What would you be doing when there? Put on a movie or some music and sip on a nice cup of tea or coffee. Puzzles take time to do but can take you out of the element for a while. Another thing you can do is knitting. Yes even the guys can do this. There are different things you can knit and make some really cool things. For the guys how about a survival bracelet out of 500 lb parachute cord. When I can I like to tie flies for fishing. That's a great one to do in the winter. Then you have your flies ready when fishing season starts. 

The Main idea is to find a way to stay busy and keep your mind occupied. It may not be a total cure but it sure makes a difference. It can help you from being depressed and can prepare you for the upcoming outdoor season. Remember Spring is almost here. Until then keep you mind busy, and active. This may or may not cure you but will make a difference and before you know it it will be time to get outside.

Mountain Travis

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Help Reality Show

My partner and I would like your help to help us get exposure for our reality show. So if you can tell anyone and everyone to check out the video on Youtube. {
We want as many hits as we can get before we present our idea to Discovery, Science channel, and or History channel. We appreciate any help you can give us. Also If you want to tell them about this blog that would be much appreciated as well. Then if we can get it on network TV you who all helped can say you had a share in making the show happen.
Thanks so much Travis

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Blog Adds

I suppose you noticed the ads I have on this blog. I have them here to help support the blog and also to raise some greenbacks to support the other projects. I have tried to have ads that you can get great deals from. For instance the Sierra add is a killer site to get really good brand name stuff at a BIG discount.
You may have noticed the Donate add. I do not expect anyone to donate to this. I put this in to help to support this blog and fund the other projects {like the mushroom project see the Jan 24 post}. I do not expect anyone to donate. However if you want to you may do so. I would be very grateful for any help you can give, however please don't feel obligated to do so. It is voluntary.
I do have one request though. If you are planning to buy something from one of these companies I would really appreciate it if you would buy it off of my link as I will get a commission from sales through these adds. I have tried to pick adds that have to do with the outdoors.
 I will keep all of who follow up to date on outings with pictures updates, reaserch findings and other special happenings.
Thanks Travis

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Outdoor videos on YouTube

If you like outdoor videos here's a few:

Many of you have already seen them however if you haven't check them out. If you like them I would appreciate it if you tell another friend. Thanks Enjoy!

Thursday, March 8, 2012

To Camouflage Or Not To Camouflage

Whatever hunt you choose weather it is Birds, Elk, Deer, Big Horn Sheep, Antelope, Or some other wild game do you use cammo? Does it work? Do the Animals see you? Others? Just what is the truth of the matter?

Well here's my point of view. I write this not to offend anyone but to give a different prospective. Many people like to have "The Advantage" over whatever they are hunting. To some extent this makes a lot of sense. If you can "Hide" you can get a closer look or shot. This is most important to bow hunters. You need a close shot. The closer the better. 30 Yards and in are preferred. Yes I know someone will say these bows have the same power as a 30-06. And it is true. To a point. Many I have talked to have taken high risk shots at the"big one" from suspect distances, wounded the animal and lost it. I myself have found dead animals with arrows in them. So it is important to get as close as you can. No one wants to lose food or waste an animal that could have fed the family.
 Does cammo work? To some extent yes. But my experience is no it doesn't do that much. Why do I say that?First of all the animals may not "see you" no they "Smell you" long before you see or hear them. Its not a matter of them just seeing you. So you say I put on scent to mask my smell. Well that has some benefits.Buy do you shower before you go out? Put on Deodorant? Pack a lunch? Give the animals more credit then that. The scent may confuse the animal but they can still smell what you are under the scent. The bow hunters often call in a bull but if the wind is going the wrong direction you won't get close. Scent or not. And what about their vision. They also see movement very well.  Yes you may blend in but they are said to be color blind so they see in black and white. Hence it isn't the color of your clothes they see but the subtle movement you make. They are used to seeing movement in the wild, and you aren't one of the normal movements out there.

I know many hunters read this and say you don't know jack. However I do know from my own experience what the facts are. First of all  I don't wear cammo or scent. I wear red or bright yellow clothes. I have had people drive by me while standing next to a tree on the road, people walk by me in the woods, just a few feet away and not even see me. It seems to me that It doesn't matter what color clothes you wear out there.

Hunting is a skill. You need to have a lot of things going your way. Wind direction, right place at the right time, patience, knowledge of the animals and the land. You need to be slow and QUIET to sneak up on the animals. Sometimes all you get is a glimpse of them. Most of the time we are "outsmarted" by the animals. We expect them to do this and they do that.
 My bottom line? The animals don't get the credit they deserve for their senses. No they don't think but they hear, see, and smell us "Way" before we often know that they are there. So Camouflage clothes make little to no difference. Unless someone buys me a set of camouflage clothes [I would wear them] I will be wearing what I usually do yellow or red of some sort. Maybe I will see you out in the woods someday, the question is will you see me...?  I doubt it!

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Editing Reality show

Started editing the first episode called 'The Desert". I won't be able to finish all of it as we need to shoot a few more scenes. However I can edit most of it. I will have progress reports as they happen. Stay tuned...

Monday, March 5, 2012

Oregon Trail

On Sunday we went on another exploration of the Oregon Trail. We went to a new to us area. Here is what we saw.
Packs stuffed.

Water Fountain?

Out house!

Toilet seat. Watch for critters.

Saturday, March 3, 2012

"Treasure Hunters" on Utube

Here it is. The Reality show trailer. The first episode will be called "The Desert". The episode will hopefully be ready by late spring early summer at the latest. Check out the trailer!
I want to thank Alec and Madelyn Johnson for the great music they put together! Great work Guys!!!

Friday, March 2, 2012

Weather Blues

I just wanted to let those of you who follow my blog that I  haven't had much to post about the mountains or being in the mtns, because of the snow. I will be posting about the mushroom project as well as a series on identifying animal tracks and how to track them.
  I will post pictures of what I am seeing and observing. As always I will be carrying my camera[s] with me in case there is something worth filming or shooting. This I will share with you. If I get good footage of film I will use it in a wildlife documentary I plan on starting.
 The late winter is slow but on the bright side spring is coming soon.
 Stay tuned..........

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Reality Music

The music for the reality show trailer is almost ready. Hopefully I will have it all done tomorrow early and get it up on Utube. Stay tuned....