Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Prepared for a disaster?

So has the short damp cold days got you down? Summer is not to far away. We'll sort of. If you are busy it will be here in no time. So the key is to stay busy. That is the real challenge with the short days.

Here is a short list of idea's. This is actually really important. Take out your emergency pack. You know the one you are supposed to grab on the way out the door in the event of an emergency, or disaster.

Don't do like I have and........we'll, I know where it is.  A natural disaster could happen in a without a moments notice. So we all ( including me) should be always prepared. Ok we get that. Now is a good time to do that. Long slow evenings.

Okay, so go get off your bum and get it out. If you don't have one, shame on you. Do your research on what you need and put it together.  Here is a couple web sites you could use to help you put one together:

  1. Build A Kit |
    Mar 21, 2013 - A disaster supplies kit is simply a collection of basic items your household may ... You may need to survive on your own after an emergency.

    1. Survival Kits | Emergency Disaster Kit | Red Cross › Plan & Prepare › Prepare Your Home and Family
      The Red Cross offers these life-saving tips for preparing a disaster kit and survival ... 
      listand pertinent medical information, proof of address, deed/lease to home, ...

      1. Ultimate Survival Kit | Survival Gear | Backpacker Magazine
        Survival Gear: Ultimate Survival Kit .... a day-hike, what to do if you get lost, how to get rescued, and survival packing (the list includes a whistle for every 
        hiker!) ...

If you have one make sure you have it up to date. "We" should go through it on a regular basis. Make sure nothing is out of date. Keep it current. You know your meds etc.

Maybe this is only one night away from the madness of winter but it's one day closer to the out door season. Don't get caught with your pants down. Take some time now and be prepared for the "what if's". It may save your life".....

Soon I will have more on the 2013 wildfire season. Stay tunes"......

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