Saturday, January 2, 2016

Leslie Gulch Fire

On June first we were dispatched out to the Vale district to the Leslie Gulch fire. After we were checked in they sent us to Jordan Valley. That is where fire camp was.

The next morning we went out to the fire.

Sunset in Jordan Valley.

We had to park along the highway

As you can see there was not much fire. however the scenery was pretty cool. Oh and it was HOT! We checked the temperature and it was 116 degrees. Other engine crews said they checked and it was 120 degrees. It was so hot they told us to cold trail the line in the morning hours and then sit in the shade for the rest of the day.

As you can see the fire was mostly out. there was just a few sage brush stumps smoking.By the second day they were cold. Or as cold in the sense of being out.
We were on the line for three days and then we were demobed. The next fire would be in California.....

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