Saturday, July 30, 2016

Big Equipment and A Little Lesson

Before the burn they were going to do they brought in some heavy equipment. Below is a coupe of pictures of these large tools.

Now for a little lesson. In the fire world there is a term used, and it is called a "Dirty Burn". When fire goes through a given area sometimes it doesn't burn real clean. I burns well in some areas and not so much in others. This we call "Dirty Burn". You can see the examples below:

Dirty Burn
In these first two pictures you can see what a dirty burn looks like. The first one isn't that bad. However you can see there is about fifty percent of the surface fuels that have not burned. The second picture is much worse. As you can see.
This is a particularly bad spot. The red you see is what we call "Pre-Treated Fuels". What this means is that these fuels are cooked and very dry. The surface fuels to the tree limbs, or "Ladder Fuels", to the top of the trees are all dried up and will not only ignite quickly but burn hot and can burn very fast. This can be very dangerous situation

All firefighters keep a close eye on these types of environments. Often these kind of areas we have left behind to work more active or higher priority areas. "If" it restarted it could become a very dangerous situation for fire crews. So that is where patrols and lookouts come into play. They have our backs.
So as I write this several new wildfires have started and so my next post could be from one of these fires. I will keep you all posted as I can.....

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