Sunday, March 27, 2016

Mop up show

Steep and Tall order
After the burn we were sent down the line on patrol. We started at 25' the to 50'. 

There's always a bigger truck

Litter patrol?
While we were doing patrol we were also doubling as a litter patrol crew. Of course we found garbage, and broken hose and a variety of other garbage.We put it in the attached box. At the end of the day we left it at the drop point to have the transport truck take it to it's proper burial place.

mop up panorama 

Can you guess what my next post will be? Here is some clues. It is green,was illegal in some states and has nothing to do with fire. What is it?


  1. Great pictures. I any figure out what's next. Marijuana plants? Find some while fighting fire?

  2. I agree with Linda, must be pot... That sure is a big tree!
