Monday, August 8, 2016

A Little Ingenuity

When we are at a fire that has a cater there they provide our lunches for the day. We have two choices "Regular or Veggie".
There isn't much differences in them. The regular lunches always have at least one sandwich, candy, trail mix, and fruit. In the veggie lunch it is similar, however they do not have a sandwich. They have nuts and fruit among other things. But sometimes they will have a burrito. 
Do you like a cold burrito? Neither do I. Many times we wrap the burrito into the foil provided and then we will put it on the engines manifold. As you see below with a little ingenuity there are better ways to cook the burritos.

Burritos under the hot rock

Are they done?

We found a hot spot under the rock. It had some coals under it. So we dug it out and put our burritos in it and buried them.Then we continued on our patrol for a while. After a while, on one of our passes we checked and we had hot burritos.

Sadly later we drove by only to see our oven torn apart and destroyed. I am pretty sure it was the forest service engine. They were working the same stretch of line. But hey it worked just long enough to have a hot lunch.

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