Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Pack Test Day

As promised here is the pack test. I have to say as one of the administrators it was a real challenge to get good pictures. The pictures aren't as good as I wanted but they will give you a idea of what is involved.
Getting ready
In the picture above everyone is putting on weight vests. Remember they weigh 45 lbs



There they Go

Here they come

Almost to the finish line
So as they cross the finish line, we record their times. Then we send it in along with their certifications for inspection. Once they pass the inspection then we print off their qualification card. It's like a driver licence. When we check into a fire they need to see them to let us on the fire. That is part of the inspection/check in process.

So anyone want to do a arduous pack test? I didn't think so...

The west is going to warm up so it likely wont be long until we are dispatched to a fire. In the mean time, and as I can I will continue to post the last fire of the 2016. 
I forgot to mention the name of that fire. But it was called the North Star fire. Stay tuned.....

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